X300 Bus Route

The GUG has just been informed that, despite the fact that the Fast Ferry Services were suspended for today, the 7th of February 2022, due to inclement weather, bus route X300 is still not operating as promised.

Just a few days ago, the GUG and KSU were notified that if the fast ferry services were suspended, the 300 bus route operating from the fast ferry stop to Msida would be suspended as well, with the X300 route operating from Valletta to Msida and Cirkewwa and back to Valletta taking its place.

Yet, as we see from today’s instance, this strategy is not always being followed, leaving all those wishing to travel between the islands in a state of uncertainty. The GUG and KSU are doing the best they can to remedy the situation.


Il-GUG għadha kif ġiet infurmata li, minkejja li l-Fast Ferry Services ġew sospiżi għal-lum, is-7 ta’ Frar 2022, minħabba temp ħażin, ir-rotta tal-linja X300 għadha mhix topera kif imwiegħda.

Ftit tal-jiem ilu, il-GUG u l-KSU ġew notifikati li jekk jiġu sospiżi s-servizzi tal-fast ferry, ir-rotta tal-linja 300 li topera mill-fast ferry stop lejn l-Imsida tkun sospiża wkoll, bir-rotta X300 topera mill-Belt Valletta għall-Imsida u ċ-Ċirkewwa u lura, tieħu postha.

Madankollu, kif naraw mill-eżempju tal-lum, din l-istrateġija mhux dejjem qed tiġi segwita, u b’hekk dawk kollha li jixtiequ jivvjaġġaw bejn il-gżejjer qed ikunu fi stat ta’ inċertezza. Il-GUG u l-KSU qed jagħmlu minn kollox biex jirrangaw is-sitwazzjoni.

2022-02-07T14:24:32+00:00February 7th, 2022|Categories: News|0 Comments

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