About Abigail Micallef

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So far Abigail Micallef has created 55 blog entries.

GUG President’s Speech with the Standing Committee for Gozo Affairs, Transport Malta and the Gozo Business Chamber regarding Gozo’s connectivity

2022-06-21T08:37:43+00:00June 21st, 2022|Categories: News|

Gozo’s connectivity with particular focus on the fast ferry service Good afternoon to you all. First off, I would like to thank the Standing Committee for Gozo Affairs for inviting us to join them in this discussion regarding Gozo’s connectivity. The ultimate aim for GUG has always been better connectivity between the islands and more [...]

Financial Officer Report

2022-05-12T07:02:02+00:00May 12th, 2022|Categories: News|

Financial Officer Report for the year ending 6th May 2022 This academic year 2021/2022 has yet been another challenging year for our organisation. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, our main event which is ‘The Annual Christmas Ball’ from which we generate the majority revenue, was cancelled. However, we managed to generate some revenue from the [...]

Rapport tal-President 2022

2022-05-10T10:31:45+00:00May 10th, 2022|Categories: News|

Għaddiet sena u oħra u erġajna wasalna għal-laqgħa ġenerali. Din is-sena ma kinitx nieqsa mill-isfidi li jkollu eżekuttiv. Il-pandemija tal-Covid-19 ma għamlitx l-affarijiet faċli u kellna nadattaw skont il-bżonn. Sfortunatament minħabba il-pandemija tal-Covid-19, il-ballu ma setax isir minħabba l-każijiet attivi li kien hemm. Ċertament din kienet l-aħjar deċiżjoni li stajna ħadna minkejja li xorta waħda [...]

GUG Annual General Meeting 2022

2022-05-09T07:22:54+00:00May 9th, 2022|Categories: News|

The Gozo University Group held its Annual General Meeting on the 8th of May 2022 at Don Bosco Oratory, Victoria, Gozo, returning back to a physical AGM after 2 years of the meeting being held via Zoom. The meeting, which was chaired by Mark Farrugia, commenced with an address by the President, Owen Teuma, followed [...]

X300 Bus Route

2022-02-07T14:24:32+00:00February 7th, 2022|Categories: News|

The GUG has just been informed that, despite the fact that the Fast Ferry Services were suspended for today, the 7th of February 2022, due to inclement weather, bus route X300 is still not operating as promised. Just a few days ago, the GUG and KSU were notified that if the fast ferry services were suspended, [...]

Statement Regarding January Examination Session

2021-12-29T11:54:31+00:00December 29th, 2021|Categories: News|

Due to the fact that COVID-19 cases are constantly increasing and with a large number of students currently in mandatory quarantine, students are being put under unnecessary pressure due to the uncertainty that exists with regards to the January examination session. While some faculties have shifted examinations to be held online, others are still holding [...]

Sospiża l-Edu Fast Ferry Card mill-Ministeru għall-Edukazzjoni

2021-12-17T11:46:50+00:00December 17th, 2021|Categories: News|

Xahrejn ilu l-Ministru għall-Edukazzjoni Justyne Caruana kienet ħabbret li se tkun qegħda toħroġ l-Edu Fast Ferry Card. Sal-lum din il-card għadha ma waslitx għand l-istudenti. Numru ta' studenti saqsewna meta se tkun qiegħda toħroġ din il-card. Il-GUG jixtieq jiċċara li fl-ebda mument jew perjodu ma ġie ikkonsultat dwar din il-card u dwar meta se tkun [...]

Reazzjoni tal-GUG dwar il-Park & Ride

2021-11-10T13:08:11+00:00November 10th, 2021|Categories: News|

Il-Grupp Universitarji Għawdxin jilqa’ l-aħbar tal-Park & Ride li se jopera bejn il-Heliport tax-Xewkija lejn il-Port tal-Imġarr. Studenti li jaqsmu ta’ kuljum lejn Malta jistgħu jipparkjaw il-vettura tagħhom fl-inħawi tal-Heliport u jaqsmu lejn Malta mingħajr il-ħsieb li mhumiex se jsibu post fejn iħallu l-karozza tagħhom. Dan is-servizz tħabbar aktar kmieni illum mill-Ministru għal Għawdex Clint [...]

Possible Reintroduction of an Airlink between Malta and Gozo

2021-11-09T12:02:56+00:00November 9th, 2021|Categories: News|

During the budget debate held yesterday, the Minister for Gozo, Clint Camilleri, announced that the Gozo Heliport will be modernised and its airstrip will be extended to allow for the possible reintroduction of an airlink between Malta and Gozo. He emphasised that work will be held within the parameters already in existence and that no [...]

GUG’s reaction re. the EDU Fast Ferry Card

2021-10-21T17:34:36+00:00October 21st, 2021|Categories: News|

Following the announcement of the EDU Fast Ferry Card by the Minister for Education, Justyne Caruana, students and teachers using the Fast Ferry service will now benefit from a reimbursement of a substantial part of the ticket fare.  What do you need to know?  Gozitan students and teachers who commute daily to Malta and back, [...]