About Abigail Micallef

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So far Abigail Micallef has created 55 blog entries.

Late Resit Examination Results

2017-12-04T11:32:26+00:00December 4th, 2017|Categories: News|

The worst part of any student’s life is the exam period. This affects the student greatly: stress and panic are the cause of so many problems in any student’s life. Stress does not end with the final exam of the period but it lingers until the dreaded results day. Two “waiting periods” exist in the [...]

Student Accommodation

2017-12-04T11:31:32+00:00December 4th, 2017|Categories: News|

Every Gozitan student over the age of 18 has a choice to make: either stay in Gozo and try to find a job or continue studying and cross over to Malta. Many of these students choose to move to the mainland where they can further their studies. This means that unless they want to face [...]

AGM August 2017

2017-12-04T11:27:56+00:00December 4th, 2017|Categories: News|

The Gozo University Group held its AGM on the 27th of August 2017 which was held at the Ministry of Gozo. During this meeting the amendments to the current statute were approved and the new executive was elected. A roundup of the past year’s events was also made. During the AGM, which was chaired by [...]

Accessibility – Gozo

2017-07-26T12:16:29+00:00July 26th, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: |

Insularity is a natural handicap of any island, and Gozo’s disadvantage is even more prominent due to its double insularity, making it highly dependant on the larger island with regards to several sectors. There are a number of drawbacks, which can only be addressed through the implementation of projects and proposals. The main problems are [...]

An article on Gozo Regionality and devolution of powers:

2017-07-19T21:44:10+00:00July 19th, 2017|Categories: News|Tags: |

Gozo has a history of regional identity and devolution of powers. To mention the key historical periods, from the independence from the Maltese islands during the French’s tenure, also, Gozo had the local councils 20 years prior to Malta, the Gozo Diocese and other episodes. However it is a well renowned fact that Gozo has [...]