GUG Annual General Meeting 2022

The Gozo University Group held its Annual General Meeting on the 8th of May 2022 at Don Bosco Oratory, Victoria, Gozo, returning back to a physical AGM after 2 years of the meeting being held via Zoom.

The meeting, which was chaired by Mark Farrugia, commenced with an address by the President, Owen Teuma, followed by the President’s Report. The President addressed the successful revival of GUG Events post-pandemic, namely GUG’s presence at Fresher’s Week as well as Wicked Wednesdays. Moreover, the effort of the executive as a whole in preparation for the GUG Ball was acknowledged by the President, whereby despite the unfortunate cancellations as a result of a spike in cases, the effort of the executive was not left unappreciated nor unrecognized.

The individual executives then continued on to present a short speech of their individual experiences for the term of 2021/22, with mentions of the successful events of Wicked Wednesdays in tandem with Fresher’s Week, as well as the re-introduction of the Gozo Student Card which garnered the GUG several sponsors. In relation to GUG’s co-operation with other organisations, a relationship was fortified with groups such as Għawdix, KSU, KSM and Gozo NGO’s Association. This year, there was an added presence by GUG in MCAST, whereby the organisation was present for the Fresher’s Week of both the MCAST campus of Għajnsielem, Gozo and Raħal Ġdid, Malta. The organisation was also present in the clean-up organised by KSM. Additionally, GUG has also won the prize of Best Student Group of the Year in the Gala Night hosted by KSM. Furthermore, an honourable mention with regard to the effort of the executive as a whole was made in their preparation for the GUG Ball. No amendments were made to the Statute and subsequently, Teuma handed his presidency over to his Vice-President, Estelle Scicluna, who will undoubtedly be continuing in his successful footsteps with the promise of a promising term, particularly in light of the staggered easing of measures.

No elections were held with regard to the appointment of the Advisory and Vigilance Board, to which Owen Teuma, Monique Camilleri, and Daisy Grima were duly appointed. The new executive for the term of 2022/23 consists of Estelle Scicluna as President, Danica Sultana as Vice-President, Eric Grech as Administration Secretary, Matthias Mercieca as Information Secretary, Christine Sultana to remain as Events Officer, Claire Gauci as Social Media Officer, Matthias Refalo as MCAST Officer, Joseph Mario Grech as Financial Officer, Elena Curmi as Marketing Officer, Presley Clark as International Officer, Matthew Grech as Education Officer, Joseph Mercieca as Social Policy Officer and Nathalia Borg as Public Relations Officer.

On behalf of the GUG we would like to thank all those who showed an interest in forming part of our organisation and we hope to further aid students in our following executive term.



Il-Grupp Universitarju ta’ Għawdex kellu l-laqgħa Ġenerali Annwali tiegħu fit-8 ta’ Mejju 2022 fl-Oratorju ta’ Don Bosco, ir-Rabat, Għawdex, fejn irritornaw l-laqgħat lura għan-normal wara sentejn fejn il-laqgħat kienu saru fuq Zoom.

Il-laqgħa kienet immexxija minn Mark Farrugia u bdiet bir-rapport tal-President, Owen Teuma, fejn inidirizza s-suċċess tar-reintroduzzjoni ta’ avvenimenti tal-GUG, fosthom il-preżenza tal-organizazzjoni go Fresher’s Week u kif ukoll Wicked Wednesdays. Barra minn hekk, l-isforz tal-eżekuttiv kollu fil-preparazzjonijiet tal-Ballu tal-GUG kien rikonoxxut mill-President, fejn minkejja l-kanċellazzjonijiet li saru bħala riżultat tal-każijiet, l-isforz tal-eżekuttiv baqa’  apprezzat u rikonoxxut.

L-eżekuttivi individwali, imbagħad, komplew billi taw preżentazzjoni tal-esperjenzi individwali tagħhom tul it-terminu ta’ 2021/22. Fost is-suġġetti li ssemmew kienu dawk tas-suċċessi ta’ Wicked Wednesdays flimkien ma’ Fresher’s Week, kif ukoll ir-reintroduzzjoni tal Gozo Student Card li ġab miegħu diversi sponsors. Fil-qasam tal-ko-operazzjoni ma’ għaqdiet oħra, il-GUG fforma relazzjonijiet ma’ għaqdiet oħrajn fosthom Għawdix, KSM, KSU u l-Gozo NGO’s Association. Dis-sena kien hemm ukoll iktar preżenza tal-GUG fl-MCAST fejn attendew Fresher’s Week kemm ġewwa l-kampus ta’ Għajnsielem f’Għawdex kif ukoll dak ġo Raħal Ġdid Malta. L-organizazzjoni kien preżenti wkoll fil-cleanup li kien organizzat mill-KSM. Il-GUG rebaħ ukoll il-premju ta’ l-aqwa għaqda studenteska tas-sena fil-Gala Night tal-KSM. Il-ħtiega individwali wkoll ġiet apprezzata mingħand kulħadd fl-isforz tal-eżekuttiv rigward il-Ballu tal-GUG. Ma’ kien hemm l-ebda amendi fl-istatut, u konsegwentament, Teuma, għadda il-presidenza għal fuq l-idejn tal-Viċi President tiegħu, Estelle Scicluna, li bla dubju, ser tkompli fuq il-ħidma ta’ suċċess li ħalla warajh l-ex president, speċjalment bil-miżuri li qed jiġu rilassati ftit ftit.

Ma’ kien hemm l-ebda elezzjoni rigward l-appuntament tal-Bord Konsultattiv u tal-Viġilanza, fejn inħatru Owen Teuma, Monique Camilleri, u Daisy Grima. L-eżekuttiv il-ġdid jikkonsisti f’Estelle Scicluna bħala l-President, Danica Sultana bħala il-Viċi President, Eric Grech bħala s-Segretarju tal-Amministrattiv, Matthias Mercieca bħala Segretarju tal-Informazzjoni, Christine Sultana ser tibqa fl-irwol tagħa bħala Uffiċjal tal-Avvenimenti, Claire Gauci bħala l-uffiċjal tas-Midja Soċjali, Matthias Refalo bħala l-Uffiċjal tal-MCAST, Joseph Mario Grech bħala l-Uffiċjal tal-Finanzi, Elena Curmi bħala l-Uffiċjal tal-Kummerċ, Presley Clark bħala l-Uffiċjal Internazzjonali, Matthew Grech bħala l-Uffiċjal Edukattiv, Joseph Mercieca bħala l-Ufffiċjal għall-Politika Soċjali, u Nathalia Borg bħala l-Uffiċjal tar-Relazzjonijiet Pubbliċi.

F’isem il-GUG nixtiequ nirringrazzjaw lil dawk li wrew l-interess sabiex jiffurmaw parti mill-organizzazjoni taghna u nisperaw illi ser inkomplu nkunu ta’ għajnuna lilkhom l-istudenti fit-terminu eżekuttiv li ġej.

2022-05-09T07:22:54+00:00May 9th, 2022|Categories: News|0 Comments

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